3 Social Media Marketing Tips to Crush it as an Influencer

Social Media Marketing Tips

These basic social media marketing tips will help you build your online reach and presence. It doesn’t matter if you have had a social media footprint for years or have just started your brand. Anyone can leverage and monetize their brand through social influence marketing.

The power of social influence is undeniable. As more and more businesses depend on social media to grow brand awareness, you must have a social media presence. Learn more about that plus how to build your social media influence.  CLICK HERE to grab your free Profit Planner: The Power of Social Influence.

First, determine what you want to achieve with your social media plan. Are you trying to invent yourself or amplify yourself? What are the best ways to use social media effectively? How can you attract an audience?


Social Media Marketing Tips to Get You Started

1.  Know Your Target Audience

One of the best social media marketing tips is to know your audience. Research your niche to determine your target audience, what they want, and what they need. Pay attention to where they spend their time on social media.

How can you provide value to them? By answering questions, participating in conversations, and free, valuable content to share with them.


2. Consistency is Key

Keep your brand the same everywhere you show up online, such as your social media accounts, website, newsletters, etc. Another form of consistency is being online at the same time your audience will be. Social interaction is an example of people getting to know you, which will help build the know, like, and trust factor.


3. Establish Authority in Your Niche

A thought leader is someone who is known for his or her expertise in a particular field. People trust your word! By establishing yourself as an authority, you will impress viewers with the content you provide, making them trust you and excited to work with you. Become their go-to person in your niche. It means creating engaging, valuable content and showing others that you have the experience and wisdom they need to succeed.

Power of Social Influence

You can help small and established businesses by sharing your story. Leverage your connections into sales down the line.

Get your message out on social media and begin building that relationship.

What are you waiting for?

Jumpstart your influencer journey. Start today with the Power of Social Influence Profit Planner. Click here It comes with a full-length textbook, a workbook, idea generator, checklist, and a calendar full of tasks to implement your power of social influence.

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I'm Larry Roach. I am 78 years old, married to Becky for 53 years, have three grown children. For most of my adult life I have been interested in self-development concepts and in the psychology and practice of sales. In the mid 1990's I began to be aware of the field of online marketing and became pretty much obsessed with the idea of developing a business using the emerging internet technologies that I am still obsessed with this today.